
Best Doctor for Ear Lobule Tear

Ear Lobule Tear: Repair, Renew, and Rediscover Confidence with EarSurgeon, Dr. Shree Rao

Discover expert care for Ear Lobule Tear at EarSurgeon with Dr. Shree C Rao, a renowned ENT specialist in Hyderabad. Ear Lobule Tear, also known as earlobe injury, can be distressing and impact aesthetics. Dr. Rao’s specialized expertise and empathetic approach offer effective solutions for repairing and restoring earlobes. Learn about the causes, treatment options, and successful outcomes with Dr. Shree Rao’s precise surgical techniques. Regain confidence in your appearance with our comprehensive earlobe repair services. Book your consultation today and take the first step towards earlobe restoration and renewed self-assurance.

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What causes Ear Lobule tear?

Over time, with the penchant to wear beautiful but heavy or long ear accessories, people develop stretched, split or torn ear lobes. The earring holes can also get larger than usual. This is because with time and usage, the ear lobe becomes looser and sags, thus becoming susceptible to tears. While this does not impair hearing, it can create self-consciousness leading to a lack of confidence. Fortunately, earlobe repair by a skilled Ear Surgeon like Dr. Shree Rao can rectify the condition and restore one’s looks, confidence and self-esteem.

Though a simple, outpatient procedure that takes not more than an hour, ear lobe repair surgery needs precision and skill.  Tears are fixed by first eliminating any scar tissue that has formed or healed skin that is remaining from the tear. After which, fine sutures are put in to close the tear. In the case of stretched earlobes the surgeon will remove the excess tissue and suture the lobe back to achieve a normal shape and size.

The sutures are typically removed after one week. Repiercing of the ears should be done
3 to 4 weeks after the removal of sutures to ensure complete healing. It is better to take the advice of the surgeon before opting for earlobe piercing again. It is important that repiercing
is not done in the exact same location as the earlier hole, in order to prevent easy tearing of the earlobe. 

Earlobes are made up of skin and some fatty tissue. They do not have thick cartilages like in the rest of the ear. This makes them highly susceptible to damage over time or with trauma.

Earlobe damage can be observed as full cleft or partial or incomplete cleft.

Full cleft is unilateral and a result of direct local trauma such as the sudden pulling of earrings, maybe by a child. Incomplete cleft is most often bilateral and is observed in elderly women who have been wearing heavy earrings for several years. There is also the case of droopy earlobes that sag from the usage of heavy earrings for an extended period of time.

Most earlobe split or hole reconstruction surgeries come under two categories - Surgical Repair or Primary Suture Repair (PSR) and Glue-only. After examining the ear lobe, Dr. Shree Rao, Ear Surgeon will advise you on the type of surgery that is best suited for you. 

Earlobe surgery is also called Lobuloplasty. It is different from Otoplasty or Cosmetic ear Surgery, which is an ear reconstruction procedure to alter its size or shape for better facial appearance.

The PSR procedure or surgical repair involves placing several stitches through each ear lobe to create a secure connection between stitches that stabilizes earring backings while also creating an aesthetically pleasing result. 

This is a skilled procedure and requires the expertise that Dr. Shree Rao, Ear Surgeon brings to the operation table from years of experience as a microsurgeon.

The earlobe surgery is done by Dr. Shree Rao in a sterile surgical room. Local anaesthesia is given so that patients don’t feel pain during the procedure.

The skin on the front and back of the earlobe is brought together with very fine sutures.


The sutures are as fine as a hair strand. They hold the skin and the soft tissue inside, together. The natural contour of the earlobe is retained. A small dressing covers the sutures and patients are allowed to go home immediately after.

Earlobe repair surgery takes about 30 minutes for a single ear and 60 minutes for both the ears.

No, it is not at all painful. The procedure is done under local anaesthesia and a numbing cream will also be used and prescribed for post-surgery use, so that you don’t feel any pain at the surgery site.

The procedure conducted by Dr. Shree Rao, Ear Surgeon will be painless and takes only a few minutes. But patients can expect a little swelling that stays for about two days after the procedure since there is little stabilization provided by the procedure other than holding up the edges of the skin. Complications arising from earlobe repair include keloids and hypo/hyper pigmentation.

Glue-only repairs involve using dermal adhesives like Dermabond, Pro said, and surgical. These glues bring together only the skin surfaces and not the underlying soft tissue. Dr. Shree Rao has vast experience in handling this procedure skillfully and with best outcomes in terms of strength of the earlobe and aesthetics.

As this is an outpatient procedure, the patient is not disadvantaged and can go home or get back to work immediately after the procedure.

The cost of earlobe repair typically depends on factors such as the extent of damage, the procedure required, the expertise of the surgeon and the hospital in which it is performed. Dr. Shree Rao will first examine the affected earlobe, and depending on the condition will advise on the best procedure and cost involved. The procedure will be conducted at the best hospital for ear surgery in Hyderabad, Dr. Rao’s ENT.


Best Ear Lobule Tear doctor in Hyderabad

About Dr. Shree Cuddapah Rao

Dr. Shree Cuddapah Rao is acclaimed as one of the Best Ear Lobule tear Doctor in Hyderabad. With 10+ years of deep domain experience in the field of ENT, she is the director at Dr. Rao’s ENT Super Specialty International Hospital.

Dr.Shree Rao underwent specialized training in Rhinoplasty / Facial Plastic surgery at Singapore General Hospital, Singapore. She also underwent advanced training in cochlear implant surgery under Padmashri Dr. Milind V Kirtane and has a Fellowship in cochlear implant. Having performed over 200 successful cochlear implants for patients from all over the world, Dr. Shree Cuddapah Rao is also the recipient of several prestigious accolades in the domain of ENT and considered as the best Cochlear Implant Surgeon in India.

General FAQs

Dr. Shree C Rao can be consulted on all days except Wednesday, subject to appointment availability. For checking availability, reach out to us over WhatsApp by clicking here or Enquiry form here.

Yes, one can opt for online consultation while getting an appointment.

Yes, International patients can consult Dr. Shree Rao virtually.


Suresh Pusuluri

We are very glad to share this experience, we came to Dr. rao's ENT hospital along with my kid who is 3 years old, kept some kind of foreign body in nose. in Rao's ENT hospital consulted with Dr. Shree madam, she is very nice doctor, in this hospital they have advanced equipments. Thanks to Shree madam.


Thank you Dr.Shree, very good treatment and hospital also very hygiene in this covid situation. My child had foreign boby issue and we consultant Dr. Shree she did a great job in this we are happy for her treatment. Thank you Dr. Shree

Hyma Gadde

Dear Dr.Shree Cuddapah Madam. Thank you for your good care and concern. I very much appreciate everything that you have done for me. You speak with such a gentle voice that put me at ease and helped me to gain confidence. You are a good listener and treat us with respect. You are truly a remakable doctor. I am very much blessed to have you as my doctor. Thank you.